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The bespoke log cabin company

The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office

11 Mar 2024

Having installed hundreds of log cabins here at Kent Cabin Craft Centre we have seen the functions of these change over the past few years.

Of course the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 saw a huge increase in the number of people working at home. And what better way of using your home and garden space than building your own garden office?


Highly Functional Spaces

These are highly functional spaces and as well as use corners of your garden which might have been unused in the past, they will also add value to your property. And with the cost of renting office space in a local high street of business centre on the increase, you can end up with the build cost paying for itself within a few years.


Garden Office Builds

The offices that we build can be as high a spec as you need so if you need separate areas for desk seating, sofa areas, kitchen, etc. then that can all be part of your design and build.

As long as you stay within certain limitations, building your own garden office needs no planning permission but we are happy to advise on that when we visit.


1. Private, Professional Workspace

Whether you are working for an organisation or running your own business the requirement to have a separate workspace is vital to your professionalism. So having an area at home where you can go, shut the door and get on with your tasks is crucial.

A garden office can look however you want them to look with desk areas, soft seating areas, outside decking areas, whatever you want.

Work with your installer and use their experience to design the space that you want which is professional and private so you can get the work done.

We work with a local supplier to install all your Wifi needs and you can find out more here.


2. Reduce Commute Time & Costs

Working from home has accelerated dramatically since 2020 and the amount of time people are saving on the work commute. A recent study has showed that on average we save ourselves 72 minutes a day by working at home https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/04/12/remote-working-saves-us-72-minutes-each-day-but-is-it-worth-it

By placing on top of that the cost of that travel whether it be train tickets, fuel costs or any other costs, investing in a garden office will save you time and money. And depending on what you build we have found that building a garden office pays for itself in just a few years.


3. Quick Build Times

Typical build times of a permanent extension to your house (from quote to completion) can sometimes be as much as year once we take into consideration the planning process, building regulations, build and completion.

Because of reduced bureaucracy and red tape, we can get from quote to starting the build in a mater of weeks, depending on the time of year and of course how busy we are.

But typically for a standard garden office build we can get from our initial meeting with you to completion in 2-3 months, allowing you to get into your new office and get on with what you do best.

And don’t forget as all the building goes on outside, disruption to your daily workings is minimal while our team get on with building your new workspace.


4. Minimise Running Costs

If you take the cost of a typical an office in Kent in a business centre you can be looking at around £1000 per month for a 6-person office. Maybe more in some areas.

By building your own garden office you can take this cost away from your expenditure column straight away and by using those funds to build your own office be ahead in  just a few years.

Of course, you will have increased energy and telecoms bills but in the bigger scheme of things the garden office build will pay for itself quicker than you think.


5. Increase Your Property Price

And finally when you build your garden office you are adding value to your property. Additional spaces are an exciting add-on for property buyers.

By adding more square footage to your property you are adding value and attractiveness to your property. Of course selling your home may not be in the forefront of your mind right now but the investment of a garden office can only take your property price in an upwards trajectory.


Make that change to your work life. Make that change to your home life. With a Garden Office.


If you would like to see some of our garden offices, we can arrange our team to come and show you. So get in touch or call us on 01843 216659 or 07375 094624.

We can come and see you, chat about the possibilities in your garden space and lend you our experience on what we could do for you.

Image representing The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office from Kent Cabin Craft Centre
Image representing The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office from Kent Cabin Craft Centre
Image representing The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office from Kent Cabin Craft Centre
Image representing The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office from Kent Cabin Craft Centre
Image representing The 5 Benefits of a Garden Office from Kent Cabin Craft Centre